The Holy Grail

We landed in Valencia, Spain and our first stop was at the cathedral to see what is reported to be The Holy Grail.

We then walked up the tower; 207 stairs going up and 207 stairs going down.
Difficult, uneven steps.
Before we journeyed upwards, I noticed, in the corner of the cathedral square, a shop called Valor. For those in the know, Valor is an amazing chocolatier and I knew my prize for the journey.

a holy grail of culinary sorts

A warm cup of cocoa; small and pure from a single source and almost too much to take; so chocolaty, and amazing I had to order a bit of cream to chase it with. So American.
If perchance you are in Valencia and find yourself looking for the Holy Grail, you too can get two for one.

Sweet Barcelona

Just a little bit of what we found on our walkabout town this evening. Just off La Rambla sits La Boqueria where they sell beautiful produce, meats, fish, and my favorite of all sweets. Beautiful, tasty sweets. Enjoy I know I did.

Bee-ing Green

I hope I don’t sound like a braggart when I say I have knowledge of a lot of things.
need a business plan? I can set you on the right path
hungry? I can make you a good meal out of whatever you have in your pantry
toilet leaking? Not a problem
need a gift, dress, ride? I’m your gal.
But when it comes to beekeeping I am completely green, a rube, bush league, novice,rookie (insert your best out of my league insult here)

Now, after two years of talking about it, dreaming about it, pestering about it, we are going for it.
Mike and I have decided that this year is the year.
the year we start our hive.
You may remember that this summer past, we stalked a localĀ beekeeperĀ and have been doing some reconnaissance. It is time and we are finally ready to have our own hives.
Today I ordered our 3 lbs of bees and a queen (the finest bees money can buy): mite resistant and very prolific. And all ours. I will name each and every one of them Bob ; except for the queen she will be Shirley. I like the sound of Shirley and the boys; Shirley and the boys are fighting Shirley and the boys are busy, Shirley and the boys…..yes… I know all about the workers and they are female but I use boys like the Italians do when the male and female are mixed together. It is proper to use the male plural for simplicity. So there. My bees will know nothing about betty friedanĀ and I’m okay with that.

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